Saturday, April 11, 2015

Classes for the Upcoming Women's Conference

Here is a list of the classes for the upcoming Women’s Conference. Detailed class descriptions and bios from the teachers will be available next week.

Mining For Diamonds: Finding the Power and Beauty of Personal Scripture Study-Julie McClellan

Building Positive Relationships:The concepts learned in the class will help you improve your relationships with family, co-workers and friends. –Arthella Starke

Parenting-Understanding Behavior:  The parent will learn to view behavior in a broader scope rather than an incident or occurrence coming to understand that the behavior is an indication of a "need" that the child has.-Arthella Starke

All About Missions- Bishop Terry Clark.

Design Your Life-Amber Jepsen

Cupcakes and Christ-Amber Jepsen

An Educated Conscience-President Welton

Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman? What an LDS woman, wife and mother of today can learn from exemplary women in the scriptures- Marcie Lake

Do an About-face - Organize and Prioritize to Make Time for the Essentials-Stephanie Stewart

The Secrets of an Effective TO DO List -Stephanie Stewart

Meal Planning and Budgeting-Cindy White

Your Legal Survival Kit- The basic legal tools you will need for disability and end-of-life
decisions.  -Tom Pixon