Friday, January 28, 2011

Blended Families Panel Discussion

Women's Conference Class/Panel Discussion
Camille Gifford
Ellen Bradford
Laura Walhood

& Debbie McDowell

Suggestions for Successful Step-parenting

1. - Be prayerful
. Heavenly Father knows you are doing the best you can. He wants your family to succeed and be happy.

2. - Keep an eternal perspective.
- As a step-parent, you need a mature, Christ-like attitude.
- May have to take "the backseat."

3.- Love the step-kids, because you love your spouse and they are a part of him/her.
- Base your actions, re-actions, & decisions on "What is best for the kids?"
- “The door is always open” policy- They are free to call you or live with you

4. -Have a united front
- Everyone treated equitably
- Support your spouse (parent of step-kids) even if you don’t agree.
- Money
- Discipline

5. - Establish family rules-- the fewer the better.

6- Talk about the “former spouse” with respect in front of the kids.
- Display cordial interactions with former spouse (if possible).