Sunday, February 2, 2014

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Lake Oswego Stake Relief Society
2014 Women’s Conference: “Be …”
January 17-18, 2014

THANK YOU to all who participated at Friday Night Fun
With a special thank you to those who prepared or taught:
Fun Art with Kaaren Pixton
Fun Service Project prepared by Mimi Beem
Fun I-phone Photography Class taught by Pamela Rust
Yummy Treats planned by Laura Rasmussen
Last but not least… drum roll, drum roll, the ever popular:
Yes, it’s  FUN  ZUMBA !  with Andrea Bowles

And a debt of gratitude
 to the presenters of our
Saturday Conference Classes 

Be Calm and Carry On
Keynote/Farewell by President R. Scott Stevenson
President and Sister Stevenson have been called to preside over the Ghana Cape Coast Mission in Africa for three years beginning in July. He will be released as our stake president at our upcoming February stake conference.  We happily grant his request for this final opportunity to address us together as Relief Society Sisters.

Personal Spirituality:
1. Megan Wilcken:Be crackedFinding Power in Vulnerability

2.  Bobbie Poppleton:   Be ImmersedDiving deeper into the scriptures, because a little sprinkling will never compare to a restoring plunge.”

3.  President Hornibrook:  Be Still and Know:  Through Trials, Tumult and Triumphs of Life, God Is There for You Always

Healthy Eating and Cooking:
1 and 2.  Genet Friess:  Be Conscientious:  Honoring your Own Body’s Wisdom and Eating What Feels Right

Travels and  Finance:
1. and 2.   Geri Gates:  Be Adventurous:  Take the High Road with Your Family and Recreate History Along the Way

3.   Bsp. Doug Perry:  Be Prosperous:  7 Steps to Winning with your Money and 4 Pitfalls to Avoid

Parenting and Grandparenting:
1.  Small Children--Audrey Buchanan: "Be Present:  Making the Most of the Early Years

2.  Grandparenting--Regina Wahlstrom:  Be Creative:  Memorable & Meaningful Grandparenting for Beginners”

3.  Teens-- Amy Biancardi:  Be Real:  from Amazing Teen to Stalwart Adult

Mental Health and Resilience:
1. and 2.  Katie Curtis:  Be Shameless:  Managing, Supporting, and Navigating Mental Health

3.       Stacey Brennan:  Be Resilient:  Facing Fears, Finding Faith, Having Fun!”

FINALLY, thank you to all who so willingly brought soup for our luncheon.

BE CRACKED: Finding Power in Vulnerability
Class by Megan Wilcken

Megan provided a link from her own blog post.

Monday, January 27, 2014

BE PROSPEROUS: 7 Steps to Winning with Your Money and 4 Pitfalls to Avoid
Class by Doug Parry

Path to Riches…Winning with Your Money!

1)     Pay an Honest Tithing & A Generous Fast Offering for Life
Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley, “Grant us faith to look beyond the problems of the moment to the miracles of the future.  Give us faith to pay our tithes and offerings and put our trust in Thee, the Almighty, to open the windows of heaven as Thou hast promised.  Give us faith to do what is right and let the consequence follow.”   (“Lord, Increase Our Faith,” Ensign, Nov. 1987,53)

2)     Stop Hemorrhaging Your Income (Stop going in debt)
You must accept personal responsibility
Income less Spending = Savings or Debt  
Increase your income or Decrease your spending = PAIN/SACRIFICE!
Sell your debt payments & toys (assets that have value)

3)     “Stay out of Debt Fund” 
Save an initial amount of cash:  $1,000 to $2,000
This small amount of “Savings” acts as a shield of protection
--to keep you from sliding into debt…stuff happens…unexpectedly! 
You must have these cash resources available in order to Pay as you go!”
Continue to add $200 monthly to the above amount—Make this a part of your                          monthly budget

4)  Become “Debt-Free”—then—Stay “Debt-Free” for life
                        Begin throwing all your energy & resources to attacking your debt
                        Adopt a ZERO tolerance—no exceptions attitude towards debt—excluding an affordable                               home

5)  “Emergency Fund”
Save an additional amount of cash (minimum):  $5,000 to $10,000
Ideally accumulate enough cash to cover 6 to 8 months—of living expenses
This larger amount of liquid “Cash Savings” acts as a secondary wall of defense
            --to keep you “Debt-Free!”
Enhance your Self-Reliance—Build up an adequate supply of “Food Storage, Clothing, & Fuel

6)     “Stop Working Someday Fund” 
Save monthly a minimum of $150 for you & $150 for your spouse or $300 per couple!
Ideally save 15% of your take-home pay…Over your working-LIFE!
Small amounts of $ saved, regularly, over long-periods of time nourishes your wealth-tree!
Avoid high-risk, speculative investments—Scams, Schemes offered by someone you KNOW!

7)     Purchase an affordable HOME—then—Pay your HOME off early
Pay off your home mortgage in 15 years or less—if possible!
“The difference between being rich & being poor is not having a house payment”
     Make a down payment of 20% in order to avoid paying PMI (Private mortgage insurance)
      Your total mortgage debt payment should NOT exceed 25%-30% of your take-home                    pay!
                        Keep your family secure—NEVER borrow the equity out of your home—for any reason!

“Life’s tough…it’s even tougher if you’re stupid”         (John Wayne)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

BE PRESENT: Making the Most of the Early Years
Class by Audrey Buchanan

Has anyone here ever been in a sensory deprivation tank? They are domed tanks, like a huge egg, filled halfway with water, really only big enough for one person, set at exactly body temperature, with 800 lbs of Epsom salts in the water.  Once you climb in, you pull the lid closed and you are floating in total darkness. You have earplugs, so there’s no sound coming in, and you can’t really feel anything because the water is exactly body temperature and you’re floating, and you float in there for an hour and a half.  They’re supposed to promote relaxation and deep thought. For me it just promoted claustrophobia.
   Well my brother gave me a gift certificate to try one for Christmas. Before I got in, the attendant gave me some tips and one of them was this: “When you get in and lay down, feel around the walls with your feet and hands. It will help you get your bearings and feel oriented.” So I did, and it did help me feel like I wasn’t just floating out in space.
I would submit to you that as mothers, we are like those tanks for our children. In the same way I had to feel around the walls to know my boundaries, our young children look to US to create their environment, to establish their boundaries and their comfort when they are young.  When they are very small, we ARE their world. What kind of world will we create for them? WE are their first teachers.
I hope the Spirit will be with each of us today to help us make personal application of the concepts we share with one another. Some of my thoughts today will be taken from Margaret Nadauld, former YW general president.  I want to focus on three main points, and being present within those:

1.       Point our children to the Lord.
2.       Carve out and guard meaningful family time and individual time with your kids.
3.       Focus.

Be thinking of the ideas that work in your own family that you might be willing to share for the benefit of others. Not everything we share will work for each of us, and that’s ok. It’s not about guilt or comparison, it’s about finding tools that work for your family.

I remember a year ago, after the Newtown shooting, feeling like, “There are no words for this, there is no comfort I can give regarding this subject.” We do our best as parents but the comfort of the Spirit is unmatched by any other power. Children need to turn to God for the ultimate guidance, ultimate knowledge, and ultimate comfort. We need to show them how to do this. 

The good (and scary) news is this: our most effective teaching is done by example! President Hinckley’s father used to tell him, “More religion is caught than is taught.” What we do as parents is contagious! So whatever programs or incentives we choose to implement in our families regarding the Gospel, most of our teaching is done by example.  Each time a child prays with her mother, that child is taught. When scriptures are a prime part of teaching in the home, a child is taught, both by the Spirit as well as by the word.  When a child attends tithing settlement with his parents, that child is taught. When a child is read to and cherished, that child is taught, and seeks others in life who will cherish him/her in the same way.  Pray in front of your children. Show them you turn to the scriptures in good times and bad. Show them that you seek the Lord, guidance.  When they come to you with questions, ask them first if they have spoken to their Heavenly Father about the issue.

There was a study done a few decades ago of youth in the Church, and what the best predictors of missionary service and temple marriage are.  It was done by the church evaluation division and then reaffirmed by work done at BYU. Is anyone familiar with it?

The best predictor of missionary service and temple marriage is private religious observance.  It is not attendance at meetings, participation in church basketball, or girls’ camp attendance. Those things are important, but only inasmuch as they bring the Spirit and strengthen testimonies.  In his talk, And a Little Child Shall Lead Them, Pres Packer said, “Too often someone comes to me and says, “President Packer, wouldn’t it be nice if …?” I usually stop them and say no, because I suspect that what follows will be a new activity or program that is going to add a burden of time and financial means on the family. – Pres Packer J
All experiences with the Gospel are valuable, but personal, experiential moments with the Spirit, seeking the Lord through prayer, (personal and family), fasting, scripture study, personal Sabbath day observance and paying tithing are where the pedal really hits the metal.  

So point your children to the Lord.  2 Nephi 25: 26 teaches: “And we atalk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we bprophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our cchildren may know to what source they may look for a dremission of their sins.” Our testimonies to our children should probably be the biggest component of our relationship with them.

?? What are some unique ways you have found in your family to Point your Children to the Lord?

 For me, we’ve tried scripture study at all times of day, but the time I’ve found when the words actually stay with us is the morning. And a little Trader Joe’s Almond Croissant never hurts as a motivator for sleepy kids. ;)

Example: “I am a daughter of royal birth, my Spirit was born in the courts on High, my Father in Heaven is Lord of the earth, Daughter beloved, a princess am I.”
Highlight the simplest words in the scriptures for non-readers (Lord, Jesus, Christ, Messiah) so they can search for them themselves.

Even before little ones can fast, they can pray for those the rest of the family is fasting for.

We have to be intentional about family time. So many good things, as well as wasteful, superficial things compete for our time. We are all hardworking mothers. Busy callings, volunteer or paid work, extended family responsibilities, digital distractions, overbooked schedules—it can be overwhelming. 

Fortunately, the Lord knows all and has already instituted principles to make this easy on us.  It begins with Sabbath day observance and Family Home Evening.—time dedicated to the family and to the Lord. And yes, we will look peculiar to others when we turn down parties and other get togethers during those times, but when we make those priorities known and we hold firm, people will understand and remember and that time will be secure.

In this day and age, many of us are just overloaded. I know I often feel that way. Elder Maxwell shared the following in a 1985 talk: “Obviously, family values mirror our personal priorities. Given the gravity of current conditions, would parents be willing to give up just one outside thing, giving that time and talent instead to the family? Parents and grandparents, please scrutinize your schedules and priorities in order to ensure that life’s prime relationships get more prime time! Even consecrated and devoted Brigham Young was once told by the Lord in the D & C to “Take especial care of your family”. Sometimes, it is the most conscientious who need this message the most!”

Would someone know, looking at my weekly schedule and how I spend my time, from the outside, that my family is the most important thing to me?  I go back to Elder Oaks’ Good, Better, Best conference talk when I feel I need a reset on my scheduling.  One of my dearest friends quotes Pres Benson frequently and I have benefitted from his statement time and time again:  “Whenever we put God first, all things fall into their proper place or out of our lives.”

So when we complete our calendars, let’s make the first entries be Family Home Evening activities, one on one dates to the temple grounds or on a cultural outing, Fast Sunday, etc. We can look to The Family: A Proclamation to the World for ideas on how to spend our additional time together—work, wholesome recreational activities, reaching out to extended family, serving one another, etc.

After looking at your own calendars, examine your children’s.  Make conscious decisions about how many extracurricular activities, play dates, etc are right for your child, for your family. Are the Best things taking first priority? Put them in first, and then use the remainder of the time. So revamp our schedules, would be my first point.

?? How have you guarded your family time?

Second, take advantage of ordinary moments together.
Table Topics in the car:  would you rather see a movie, a parade, or a magic show, what makes you feel better when you're sick, if you wanted to earn $50.00 how would you like to earn the money, what object would you like to be able to draw really well, if you could be a superhero which special power would you choose to have? 
                After school snack
                Meal times. This is why our Sunbeam teachers give the lesson DURING snack. J
    Meaningful dates.  Sometimes leisurely, sometimes challenging. Cultural pass to the Art Museum,                        set a hiking goal, do some service.
   Family Work. 
   What are the connotations you think of associated with Family Work? Housework, chores,                               tedious, etc.

In today’s world, family work is recognized as the province of the exploited and the powerless who have no other choice.

When the Lord speaks to Adam and Eve after they’ve partaken of the fruit, He gives us insight as to the purpose of work. Moses 4:23 reads, cursed shall be the ground for thy sake;”   Work was given as a blessing to the first couple. Think about the ways in which work blesses you and your family. Today it seems like the more abstract and mental our work, the more distanced from physical labor, the higher the status it is given.

Even the way we go about building relationships denies the saving power inherent in working side by side at something that requires us to cooperate in spite of differences. Rather, we "bond" with our children by getting the housework out of the way so the family can participate in structured "play." We improve our marriages by getting away from the house and kids, from responsibility altogether, to communicate uninterrupted as if work, love, and living were not inseparably connected. At every turn, we are encouraged to seek an Eden-like bliss where we enjoy life's bounties without working for them.

Ironically, it is the very things commonly disliked about family work that offer the greatest possibilities for nurturing close relationships and forging family ties. Some people dislike family work because, it feels mindless. Yet chores that can be done with a minimum of concentration leave our minds free to focus on one another as we work together. We can talk, sing, or tell stories as we work. Working side by side tends to dissolve feelings of hierarchy, making it easier for children to discuss topics of concern with their parents.

We also tend to think of household work as basic and boring. But because it is menial, even the smallest child can make a meaningful contribution. Children can learn to fold laundry, wash windows, or sort silverware with sufficient skill to feel valued as part of the family. Since daily tasks range from the simple to the complex, participants at every level can feel competent yet challenged, including the parents with their overall responsibility for coordinating tasks, people, and projects into a cooperative, working whole.

Another characteristic of ordinary family work that gives it such power is repetition. Beds get messed up, children get hungry and dirty, meals are eaten, clothes  become dirty. This often feels like a reason to hate home work more. But in reality, the frequency is  a new invitation for all to enter the family circle. The most ordinary chores can become daily rituals of family love and belonging. Family identity is built moment by moment amidst the talking, singing and storytelling, and even the quarreling and anguish that may attend such work sessions.

 Helping one another nurture children, care for the land, prepare food, and clean homes can bind lives together. It’s the simple, every day stuff of sustaining life.

In all of these, rely upon the Spirit to recognize teaching opportunities that are brought up in everyday conversation.

?? What are ways you’ve found to maximize the ordinary moments together with your children?

Maximize personal efficiency.  We all know not every meal can be a cooking lesson, not every bathroom cleaning can be done at a chatty leisurely pace. For those times when time is of the essence, I try to maximize my efficiency.  I recently bought a 16 quart stock pot in order to triple recipes and freeze 2 for future use, already prepared. A sister in our ward has said she gets up at 5 am to prepare all the food for her family’s day so she doesn’t have to think about it later.  I haven’t quite been able to implement that, but I admire it nonetheless. 

Find a partner: I have a close friend with whom I trade play dates once a week.  The kids love it and we each crank out more work or errands in that morning than we otherwise would.

?? What ways have you found to maximize your own personal efficiency?

When you do have time with your children, focus.  Speak their love language, not yours.  Look into their eyes when they are talking. Express physical affection. Do something they enjoy.  Be present with them, whatever their mood or situation.

 Job 2: 11-13  ¶Now when Job’s three afriends heard of all this evil that was come upon him, they came every one from his own place; Eliphaz the Temanite, and Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite: for they had made an appointment together to come to mourn with him and to comfort him.
 12 And when they lifted up their eyes afar off, and knew him not, they lifted up their voice, and wept; and they rent every one his mantle, and sprinkled dust upon their heads toward heaven.
 13 So they sat down with him upon the ground aseven days and seven nights, and none spake a word unto him: for they saw that his bgrief was very great.
Does this remind anyone else of our baptismal covenants to mourn with those that mourn and to comfort those that stand in need of comfort? What better place to stand as a witness of Christ, and to comfort and mourn with those who need, than in our own families?

 “Many things we need can wait. The child cannot. Now is the time his bones are being formed, his blood is being made, his mind is being developed. To him we cannot say tomorrow, his name is today.”--
Gabriela Mistral

Better than any of this information, pray over your children. Pray to the God who knows your children better than anyone. As you seek His help, you will be given insights into the individuals He has placed in your care. There is no cookie cutter approach to parenting, and you will need personal revelation and reassurance regarding your children. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Iphone Photography Tips
It’s not the camera that creates the image, it’s your eye.
Pamela Rust, West Linn Ward
Access the PDF of Pamela's handout at the above link.  Information below as well.

1.  First, check your Privacy settings to make sure your gps tracking isn’t turned ON for your camera setting—people can locate where your pictures were taken through your images that are posted online. Very scary.

2.  The higher the resolution, the clearer the image will be for printing, so when working with different apps
such as Afterlight, make sure the largest resolution is selected.

3.  For crisp shots you need to keep the phone as steady as possible—to achieve this, keep your upper
arms close to your body and hold them steady before taking the picture.

4.  Composition is one of the most important factors in photography.  Ideally you want one focal point,
which is where the viewer’s eye will naturally land.  (info from
**When you’re just starting out, it’s tempting to put whatever you’re shooting right in the center of
the frame. However, this produces rather static, boring pictures. One of the ways to counteract this is to use
the Rule of Thirds, where you split the image up into thirds, both horizontally and vertically, and try
to place your subject on one of these imaginary lines or intersections. This *can* be an overrated approach,
though.  Instead, move your subject away from the center and get a feel for how it can be balanced with everything else in the scene, including any areas of contrasting color or light. There are no hard and fast rules about achieving this kind of visual balance, but you’ll quickly learn to rely on your instincts – trust that you’ll
know when something just looks right.
Why it works…  (taken from

5.  After composing your shot, touch the screen to help the camera focus where you want it, wait for it to
focus, then push the button.

6.  If you need to zoom in, zoom in with your feet.  Do not use the zoom feature within the camera, as
it will result in a blurry picture.  If you need to be closer to your subject, move closer. :)

7.  When shooting portraits, avoid sunny, direct light on faces, which can create harsh shadows (and a
lot of squinting).  You'll want your subject in INDIRECT, NATURAL LIGHT (ie standing in the shade
of a tree or overhead covering.  Also, an overcast day provides beautiful lighting without harsh light.

8.  Photographing directly into the sun usually results in an unflattering photo.  Try to block a portion of the
sun with a tree or building, etc.

9.  How light/bright your environment is very important – the lower the light the more grainy and bad quality
it will be.  Conversely, if it’s too bright, the image will be overexposed.  Finding great light will become easier
as you practice.

10.  Remember, get creative with your angles!  Bonus Tip-­‐Keep lens clean.  Smudges will result in blurry
images. Ewww.

Getting Creative with Iphone apps
Afterlight  ($.99)-­‐-­‐photo editing app-­‐-­‐brighten, add contrast, filters, etc.
I LOVE this app!  You can save the image in your camera roll and instagram it at a later time. This is a great

Over-­‐-­‐apply text over your image ($.99)  To use-­‐-­‐select photo, click text, double tap screen, write text,
push done, change txt, move text around {adjust size by pinching the text on the screen}, save to camera
roll.) You can then access the picture via Afterlight to add to Instagram or to wherever else you want it.
The more you practice and play around with it the easier it’ll become. Don’t be afraid to just play with it!

Dropbox-­‐-­‐free app that allows you to upload your images to your computer

Diptic ($.99)-­‐make collages (select collage and choose which images you want to place in each section
from your camera roll.  Save to camera roll.

Printing-­‐-­‐You can get good quality prints from any iPhone. While most photo sharing is done online these
days, all iPhones have very print-friendly resolutions, including the early 2 megapixel cameras of the 2G
and 3G. Of course, you’ll get the best results from the 8 MP camera of the iPhone 5 and 4S or the 5 MP
camera of the iPhone 4.One of the most important factors in printing photos is image size — the number of
pixels in your image — how they are used differently for screen and print. An image that looks great on
your screen may not have enough data or pixels to print as well. That’s why it’s always best to work with
the largest image and the most pixels possible.
I ordered the 8x10’s and 16x20 poster at Costco and I think they look pretty good. However, I personally
wouldn’t order professional family photos from them, as the colors will not be as accurate as a pro print
lab, or even

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

BE  IMMERSED:  Diving deeper into the Scriptures Because a  Little Sprinkle Here and There Will Never Beat a Restoring Plunge.
Class with  Bobbie Poppleton

Zipping along the surface of the scriptures is great.  There is always something to be gained from reading, but the real beauty comes when you wade in deeper and find the beauty and color and life that you find just under the surface.

Elder David. A. Bednar spoke of 3 ways of obtaining living water from the scriptural reservoir. (Reference “A Reservoir of Living Water”  4 February 2007)
1)      READING beginning to end—where you learn of the people and scenery and principles.
2)      STUDYING by topic
3)      SEARCHING for connections, patterns, symbols and themes
It’s the searching that we want to practice—and searching that reveals the beauty of life in the scriptures.

Elder Jeffrey R.Holland says when you start asking questions, the book of Mormon comes alive.  He said to start with the first chapter of the first book of Nephi because it was carefully written and so it must be read carefully.

* Ask Questions
*Look for Patterns

LOOK FOR PATTERNS:  For example, Lehi who left everything behind and went into the wilderness.  Have other people in the scriptures been willing to leave everything behind and go into the wilderness?  WHO?  Adam and Eve.  Noah.  Moses and many others.  Also the Pioneers and many of the converts of today. It’s one of the most repeated patterns in the scriptures.
Elder Holland taught an amazing pattern found in 1st Nephi Chapter 1 in regards to Lehi. (Reference “Daddy, Donna, and Nephi” Ensign 1976)

LEHI….(1 Nephi 1:)
*He was pricked by the words   of a Prophet        (v.4)       
*Went out apart to pray        (v.5)             
*He saw a vision of the Father & the Son    (v.8-9)               
*He received a book             (v.11)             
*He began to preach to the  people what he read in the book  (v. 18)
*The people mocked & sought to kill him  (v. 19-20)         

That is Lehi’s story,….and who else?    Joseph Smith—it is the story of the Restoration.
I think it is amazing that the book of the restoration begins with a story that in itself is a similitude of the restoration.            

*Ponder the Savior
*Apply to oneself

According to Elder Bednar, searching broadens our perspective and our understanding of the plan of salvation.

Search the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:15).  The lawyer asked two questions.  How does one gain eternal life? And Who is my neighbor?  The Savior answered the question with the parable that we can certainly apply to ourselves.  We should be as the Samaritan and serve our fellowman.  BUT did he also answer both questions?  

If we were to be asked by a friend how does one gain eternal life—would we not explain the plan of salvation as the answer?  According to a BYU Studies article from 1999 and an Ensign article from 2007, Jesus also answered the lawyers first question.  (Ref. “The Good Samaritan: A type and shadow of the Plan of Salvation”  BYU Studies, Spring 1999, pg 51-115 and “The Good Samaritan: Forgotten Symbols”, Ensign Feb 2007)

Luke 10                                   LDS Types & Shadows          
A man                                        All mankind
went down                                 left premortal existence
from Jerusalem                         presence of God
to Jericho                                   a telestial world
fell                                               fallen state, sins
among thieves                          Satan, expected trials
stripped him                              stripping authority, garment
wounded him                             blows of mortality
departed                                    required to  depart
left him half dead                       two deaths (2nd could be adverted)
Priest and Levite                       those with partial authority
passed by                                  lacked higher power to save
Samaritan                                  Christ, most humble, despised
saw                                             knowing him and seeing all
had compassion                        pure love of Christ
bound his wounds                     binding, thru covenants
oil                                                heal/anoint, ordinances, Holy Spirit
wine                                            cleanse, atoning blood
on his own beast                       bears our sins & infirmities,  rescue
inn                                               church, safety - not  final destination
took care                                   Jesus personally cares for all
innkeeper                                  church leaders
when I come again                   Second Coming
repay                                         cover all costs, reward well   

As Elder Bednar stated, searching broadens our perspective and our understanding of the plan of salvation.

CHALLENGE:  Search the scriptures and JOURNAL your scripture study.  There are lots of ways to search the scriptures—each of them is edifying and instructive.  Find what works for you.  Here is a link to the scripture study handout showing scripture study and journal tips:

I have tried many of these tips.  I spent months studying one topic.  I have used the Bible Dictionary to lead me to a discovery in Jonah.  I have studied one person (i.e. John the Baptist) and learned much—mostly grew to love John.  I found that I learn best by pondering---recognizing that I will not understand everything immediately.  Sometimes I need to read and reread and think and wonder for a long time---then the Spirit will open something up when I am ready to receive it.
I am offering an OUTLINE OF TOPICS at this link to use in your scripture study if you want.  It covers in topics, the fullness of the gospel:

You can use this "Outline" in a couple of ways, EITHER as a way to organize scriptures and quotes you find  that pertain to a particular topic (a great resource to refer to when you have to give a talk or prepare a lesson); OR as a kick off point for topical scripture study (you choose one of the topics and use the scripture references and suggested Doctrinal Subjects to begin your research).
Materials needed:
1) Notebook to hold topic sheets
(Divide how you choose—with tabs, in page protectors, printed on colored papers). Ifyou want to organize this on your computer, ask me to get you the "WORD.doc files for your use - email me at and I will send you an attachment or get you a cd)
2) Pen/pencil
3) Lined paper
As you study the scriptures and/or other inspired writings and find something that you want to include in your notebook, decide which topic it should be recorded under (there could be more than one?) and write the scripture reference or otherwise note the book/article reference on a sheet of the lined paper.
• If reference is a scripture, try to condense or paraphrase so that you can put it down in a line or two. Just enough so that you get the main points and can refer to it later in your scriptures
• If a "quote", you can do the same thing and paraphrase it so that it can be recorded in a small
space. Personally, I like to include quotes as they are written as I always carry my scriptures,
but don't always have access to my library where these can be easily looked up.

Bobbie's Study Suggestions that have worked for me:
• Look up words that you are not familiar with
• Work to develop the ability to analyze scriptures. Use footnotes, Topical Guide, Index, Bible Dictionary, "True to the Faith", etc. Search and/or First you will start out slowly.  After awhile you will be able to do it naturally—it is worth your time.
• Write down the questions that come to your mind as you read, then either seek to answer them or use them as a kick-off study topic in the future.
Read a scripture passage many times. You will find new things as you begin to loose the "story" and enlightenment (the principles) begins to shine through. The story won't redeem you, but the principles there in will.
• Try to study 30 minutes to an hour a day. Don't feel that you have to make pages of progress if you are getting acres of truth from a verse or two. In my opinion however, speed reading a couple of verses and calling it good won't gain you the ground you need for real spiritual nourishment.
• Don't get caught up in the 4 year Sunday School or Seminary cycle (reading only from one book all year or taking the summer off!). Read from the Book of Mormon often. There is so much there that not only supports the Bible's teaching, but gives further light and understanding.

BE REAL: From Amazing Teens to Stalwart Adult
Class by Amy Biancardi

“Being a father or a mother is not only a great challenge, it is a divine calling.” -  James E Faust

Being parents is “the greatest trust that has been given to human beings.”        -  David O McKay

“Our success as a society, depends not on what happens in the White House but on what happens inside your house.”                                                                             -  Barbara Bush

I surveyed 100 Lake Oswego Stake high school seminary students.  Here are their responses.

Name 2 things your parents do that help you feel more united with them.

Family Activities - 25%
            Family dinner. Play games. Vacations. Shopping. Gospel Discussions. Doing anything together. Quality time

Talk to me – 16%
            Ask about my day. Solve problems together. Make sure I’m ok when I’m down

“Love is listening when they are ready to talk – midnight, 6 am, on their way to seminary, or when you’re busy with your urgencies”                                                 - Sharon G. Larson, Counselor, YW

“There is a great deal of wisdom displayed when parents stay up and wait for their children to return home. Young men and women make far better choices when they know their parents are waiting up to hear about their evening and to kiss them goodnight.”      -  Larry Lawrence – Quorum of 70

Support me – 13%
            Come to my events. Help me with everything I do. See my potential and help me become that. Want me to try new things, even if I don’t want to.

The Basic 3 – 8%
            Family Prayer, Family Scripture Study, Family Home Evening. Most listed one or two of these activities.

“Consider five fundamental practices that have the power to fortify our youth: family prayer, family scripture study, family home evening, family dinner together and regular one-on-one interviews with each child”. . . “Try to imagine what the rising generation could become if these five righteous patterns were practiced consistently in every home. Our young people could be like Helaman’s army: invincible.”                                                                        - Larry Lawrence

One on One time – 6%
            Takes me out alone. A date with each parent.  Invested time when driving me to seminary.

 “Parenting is not a popularity contest. Sometimes we are afraid of our children – afraid to counsel with them for fear of offending them.”

Trust Me – 5%
            Let me make my own choices and hold me accountable. Give me freedom to argue a point. Let me choose and then support my good choices.

Become interested in my interests – 4%
            Spend time doing things we both enjoy. Show interest in the things I do. Talk to me about what I like.

Listen to me – 4%
            Listen to me about my worries. When I’m upset, I know I can share my problems

Oh how wonderful when our kids to want to talk to us! DEAL! Drop Everything And Listen!

Kind to me – 3%
            Kind when I’m grumpy. Comforts me.  Notes in my lunch. My mom serves me.

Take care of me – 3%
            They give so much for me. Cook my meals. My dad gets up early to make my lunch

Other notable responses:

Good examples of true followers of Christ. They love me unconditionally. They teach me what I need to know.  They say I love you. Hugs. Sense of humor. Priesthood blessings. They’re cool – when things happen, they don’t overreact.

“If we are going to lead in righteousness, there can’t be any question where we stand. Small uncertainties on our part can produce large uncertainties in our youth”        -  Sharon G. Larson

 Name 2 things your parents do that damage your relationship with them.

Angry with me – 9%
            Use harsh or hurtful words in moment of weakness. Short temper. Get mad at something dumb. Get angry when I make a mistake. When they yell they don’t listen to my opinion. Fight with me on things that don’t matter.  When they’re angry – they don’t make good choices.

Argue/fight with each other – 8%
            They don’t get along with each other. Arguing with each other or the other children. Their fighting brings me down. Unnecessary conflicts. Dad bugs mom when she’s already irritated.

“It’s so important for husbands and wives to be united when making parenting decisions. If either parent doesn’t feel good about something, then permission should not be granted. If either feels uncomfortable about a movie, a television show, a video game, a party, a dress, a swimsuit or an internet activity, have the courage to support each other and say no.”          -   Larry R. Lawrence

Too restrictive – 7%
            Take away previously rewarded privileges. Make unreasonable decisions for me. Don’t let me do as much as I’d like. Ground me. Punish me for no reason. Restrict my independence–I’m 18!

Tells me what to do – 5%
            Don’t let us problem solve on our own. Micromanage. Tell me to do something when I’m busy doing something else.

Criticize me – 4.5%
            Focus on the bad instead of the good with me. Comment negatively on body image. Make fun of certain things. Criticize my weight, appearance, grades.

Don’t Trust Me – 4%
            Don’t trust me with difficult situations. Don’t think I can get things done/figured out – like with my homework. They take my phone and read my texts.

Too Many Questions – 4%
            Annoying questions. They want to talk about EVERYTHING. Some stuff I don’t want to share. Questions right when I walk through the door.

No time with me – 3%
            Too busy with work. Business trips. Dad is never home – works a lot. Mom is busy with other kids. No time for one on one time. No time to do the things I want to do.

Jump to conclusions – 3%
            Assuming things aren’t true without asking my side of the story. They blame me. They don’t explain when they’re upset with me

Don’t listen to me -  3%
            They’re stubborn. Don’t listen cuz always busy with phone or TV.

Other notable responses:
Annoy me – invade my space. Pointless chores. Don’t see when I’m sad. Just won’t let go of previous grudges. Contradict themselves. Use sarcastic remarks. They’re late a lot. Nag me about homework, about chores. Impatient. No family prayer. No FHE. No scripture study. When they’re stressed.  Less than Christlike tone affects the whole household. I can’t think of anything - the best parents anyone could ask for.

 “When broken hearted parents pray for help, the help often comes in the form of angel aunts or uncles, grandmas or grandpas, good friends, and leaders surrounding our loved one. They can reinforce our very message that may put our child on the track we’ve been praying for.”    - Sharon Larson                                          
The teaching, rearing, and training of children requires more intelligence, intuitive understanding, humility, strength, wisdom, spirituality, perseverance, and hard work than any other challenge we might have in life.”                                                                                               -  James E Faust

“There is no greater joy. It is worth every sacrifice, every inconvenient minute, every ounce of patience, personal disciple, and endurance.”                                             - Sharon Larson