BE IMMERSED: Diving deeper into the Scriptures
Because a Little Sprinkle Here and There Will Never Beat a Restoring Plunge.
Class with Bobbie Poppleton
along the surface of the scriptures is great.
There is always something to be gained from reading, but the real beauty
comes when you wade in deeper and find the beauty and color and life that you find
just under the surface.
Elder David.
A. Bednar spoke of 3 ways of obtaining living water from the scriptural
reservoir. (Reference “A Reservoir of
Living Water” 4 February 2007)
1) READING beginning to end—where you
learn of the people and scenery and principles.
2) STUDYING by topic
3) SEARCHING for connections, patterns,
symbols and themes
It’s the
searching that we want to practice—and searching that reveals the beauty of
life in the scriptures.
Elder Jeffrey
R.Holland says when you start asking questions, the book of Mormon comes
alive. He said to start with the first
chapter of the first book of Nephi because it was carefully written and so it
must be read carefully.
* Ask
*Look for
PATTERNS: For example, Lehi who left
everything behind and went into the wilderness.
Have other people in the scriptures been willing to leave everything
behind and go into the wilderness?
WHO? Adam and Eve. Noah.
Moses and many others. Also the Pioneers
and many of the converts of today. It’s one of the most repeated patterns in
the scriptures.
Holland taught an amazing pattern found in 1st Nephi Chapter 1 in
regards to Lehi. (Reference “Daddy,
Donna, and Nephi” Ensign 1976)
LEHI….(1 Nephi 1:)
*He was pricked by the words of a Prophet
*Went out apart to pray (v.5)
*He saw a vision of the Father
& the Son (v.8-9)
*He received a book (v.11)
*He began to preach to the people what he read in the book (v. 18)
*The people mocked &
sought to kill him (v. 19-20)
That is Lehi’s
story,….and who else? Joseph Smith—it is the story of the Restoration.
I think it is
amazing that the book of the restoration begins with a story that in itself is
a similitude of the restoration.
*Ponder the
*Apply to
to Elder Bednar, searching broadens our perspective and our understanding of
the plan of salvation.
the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:15).
The lawyer asked two questions.
How does one gain eternal life? And Who is my neighbor? The Savior answered the question with the
parable that we can certainly apply to ourselves. We should be as the Samaritan and serve our
fellowman. BUT did he also answer both
we were to be asked by a friend how does one gain eternal life—would we not
explain the plan of salvation as the answer?
According to a BYU Studies article from 1999 and an Ensign article from
2007, Jesus also answered the lawyers first question. (Ref. “The
Good Samaritan: A type and shadow of the Plan of Salvation” BYU Studies, Spring 1999, pg 51-115 and “The
Good Samaritan: Forgotten Symbols”, Ensign Feb 2007)
Luke 10 LDS
Types & Shadows
A man All mankind
went down left premortal existence
from Jerusalem presence of God
to Jericho a telestial
fell fallen state, sins
among thieves Satan, expected trials
stripped him stripping
authority, garment
wounded him blows
of mortality
departed required
to depart
left him half dead two deaths (2nd
could be adverted)
Priest and Levite those with partial
passed by lacked higher power to save
Samaritan Christ, most humble, despised
Samaritan Christ, most humble, despised
saw knowing
him and seeing all
had compassion pure love of Christ
bound his wounds binding, thru covenants
oil heal/anoint,
ordinances, Holy Spirit
wine cleanse, atoning blood
on his own beast bears our sins &
infirmities, rescue
inn church,
safety - not final destination
took care Jesus
personally cares for all
innkeeper church leaders
when I come again Second Coming
repay cover all costs, reward well
As Elder Bednar stated, searching broadens our perspective and our understanding of the plan of salvation.
CHALLENGE: Search the scriptures and JOURNAL your scripture study. There are lots of ways to search the
scriptures—each of them is edifying and instructive. Find what works for you. Here is a link to the scripture study handout showing scripture study and journal tips:
I have tried many of these tips. I spent months studying one
topic. I have used the Bible Dictionary
to lead me to a discovery in Jonah. I
have studied one person (i.e. John the Baptist) and learned much—mostly grew to
love John. I found that I learn best by
pondering---recognizing that I will not understand everything immediately. Sometimes I need to read and reread and think
and wonder for a long time---then the Spirit will open something up when I am
ready to receive it.
I am offering an OUTLINE OF TOPICS at
this link to use in your scripture study if you want. It covers in topics, the fullness of the gospel:
You can use this
"Outline" in a couple of ways, EITHER as a way to organize scriptures
and quotes you find that pertain to a
particular topic (a great resource to refer to when you have to give a talk or
prepare a lesson); OR as a kick off point for topical scripture study (you
choose one of the topics and use the scripture references and suggested
Doctrinal Subjects to begin your research).
1) Notebook to hold topic sheets
(Divide how you choose—with
tabs, in page protectors, printed on colored papers). Ifyou want to organize
this on your computer, ask me to get you the "WORD.doc files for your use
- email me at and I will send you an attachment or get
you a cd)
2) Pen/pencil
3) Lined paper
As you study the scriptures
and/or other inspired writings and find something that you want to include in
your notebook, decide which topic it should be recorded under (there could be
more than one?) and write the scripture reference or otherwise note the
book/article reference on a sheet of the lined paper.
• If reference is a scripture,
try to condense or paraphrase so that you can put it down in a line or two.
Just enough so that you get the main points and can refer to it later in your
• If a "quote", you
can do the same thing and paraphrase it so that it can be recorded in a small
space. Personally, I like to
include quotes as they are written as I always carry my scriptures,
but don't always have access to
my library where these can be easily looked up.
Bobbie's Study Suggestions that have worked for me:
• Look up words that you are not
familiar with
• Work to develop the ability to
analyze scriptures. Use footnotes, Topical Guide, Index, Bible Dictionary, "True
to the Faith", etc. Search and/or First you
will start out slowly. After awhile you
will be able to do it naturally—it is worth your time.
• Write down the questions that
come to your mind as you read, then either seek to answer them or use them as a
kick-off study topic in the future.
• Read a scripture passage
many times. You will find new things as you begin to loose the
"story" and enlightenment (the principles) begins to shine through.
The story won't redeem you, but the principles there in will.
• Try to study 30 minutes to an
hour a day. Don't feel that you have to make pages of progress if you are getting
acres of truth from a verse or two. In my opinion however, speed reading a
couple of verses and calling it good won't gain you the ground you need for
real spiritual nourishment.
• Don't get caught up in the 4
year Sunday School or Seminary cycle (reading only from one book all year or
taking the summer off!). Read from the Book of Mormon often. There is so much
there that not only supports the Bible's teaching, but gives further light and